Our Mission:
Rewire your brain to be a memorable global leader.

Brain Focused Approach
Our leadership approach blends Art with Neuroscience. All Art exists to create a state of mind that liberates imagination. Neuroscience helps to unlock some of the brain’s secrets and better equips us with the skills to lead ourselves and others in today’s fast-paced global environment.
To support you on your leadership journey, Brain Focused Coaching provides a comprehensive set of tools and techniques focused on the latest discoveries in neuroscience. There is evidence in neuroscience research that the most emotionally intelligent and effective people are those who can use different parts of their brain together efficiently. By following the path we lay out for you, you will develop your agility and your ability to think on your feet.
Our ambition is to empower you to lead your organization with impact, efficiency and emotional intelligence.
Your coach
After obtaining my Master’s Degree in Economics, I worked for more than fifteen years asia marketing and sales professional in one of the top global companies - Nestlé. Today I coach individuals and teams at international organisations. My wide experience in a multinational company has proven to be of great value as it helps me to deeply understand various business contexts and also to align organisational expectations.
Main professional Qualifications
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by ICF
Supervisor and Mentor at ICF
Certified as a Master Coach in Leadership and Communication by IDC
Certified in Hogan Assessment
Certified in Agile Leadership Assessment
Booth 360 accreditation
Our solutions
We partner with your organization to develop and expand your team’s potential and to create an environment and culture that proactively supports transformation and evolution.
A transformative learning journey for senior executives. Experiencing coaching from a brain perspective will help you be more equipped in understanding how and why you change and grow.
Women leadership program
Supporting the creation of true diversity within executive teams. Gender diversity is a powerful driver for companies, in terms of innovation, financial results and appeal to new talents.
Team Coaching
Mastering the art of working together. Brain focused coaching will unlock team potential by aligning individual ambitions with your organization’s vision, strategies and objectives.
A new type of thinking is essential if mankind wants to move toward higher levels
Albert Einstein